Black Jacket For S@le

Black Jacket For S@le

Black Jacket For S@le

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Black Jacket For Sale

Black Jacket For Sale

Black Jacket For Sale "My seven-year-old self would throw on some jewels, heels, fluorescent bike shorts (to, you know, make the outfit more 'daytime'), and heart-shaped sunglasses and march into those meetings looking fabulous. But that doesn't exactly fly when you want to be taken seriously (Conrad)".

Black Jacket For Sale

Don't we all wish we could dress like that, like we did when we were kids and no one cared that we wore sneakers with our Sunday dress or that our our t-shirt didn't match our shorts. Sadly, growing up and Black Jacket For Sale learning that we have to iron our shirts makes us realize that the older we get the more important our fashion sense becomes. It's important be presentable and Lauren Conrad's book Lauren Conrad STYLE does just that with tips and advice on how to look put together and fashionable no matter what body type you have.

Black Jacket For Sale

Technically I would put this post on my original blog, Bee's In a Broom Cupboard, because that's where I keep the majority of my movie/book/game/etc. reviews. Yet, since this book has to do with style and beauty I felt that it made better since to put it on this blog and maybe later I'll attach it to my other blog as well. Those of you that aren't familiar with the famous Lauren Conrad are really missing out. Lauren Conrad is a famous fashion designer who made her first appearance on MTV reality series Laguna Beach and The Hills (from 2004-2009). 

Black Jacket For Sale
Through these series we got a taste of Conrad's everyday life and personality as she grew for an ordinary high school California girl to a popular fashion designer who interned for Teen Vogue. Now, along with her awesome fashion lines (The Lauren Conrad (2008), LC (2009), and Paper Crown (2011)), Conrad is also an author of L.A. Candy (2009), Sweet Little Lies (2010), Sugar and Spice (2010), The Fame Game (2012), Starstruck (released Nov. 2012), Lauren Conrad BEAUTY (released Oct. 2012), and Lauren Conrad STYLE (released Apr. 2012).
Black Jacket For Sale

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